Urgent Care
- If your situation is an emergency you should always call Triple Zero (000).
During our flood rebuild, REDHS Urgent Care Centre is located at 40-44 Moore Street Rochester (Rochester Medical Clinic).
Opening hours are 8:30am – 5:00pm Monday to Friday.
Call 0428 358 892, walk-ins are also welcome.
Our Urgent Care team is ready and available to assist you with non-life threatening illnesses, injuries and emergencies needing urgent attention such as:
- Abdominal pain
- Allergic reactions
- Asthma
- Back or muscle pain
- Breathing difficulties
- Chest pain or pressure
- Cuts and minor burns
- Dehydration
- Diarrhoea
- Dressings
- General injuries
- Pain & pain management (analgesia)
- Snake bite
- Sprains & strains
- Vomiting
- Wound Care
Outside of these hours, for non life-threatening emergencies the Victorian Virtual Emergency
Department is available, visit www.vved.org.au
In life-threatening emergencies call 000
The department is staffed by nurses, including RIPRNs, together with medical services provided by Visiting Medical Officers (VMOs) and My Emergency Doctor.
Patients attending REDHS Urgent Care are assessed by nursing staff and triaged according to the severity of their presenting problem. Please note the most urgent cases always are attended to first. If your condition requires more specialist investigation you may be required to be transferred by ambulance to a larger facility (e.g. Echuca Regional Health, Bendigo Health).
If this occurs you are responsible for the cost of ambulance transport (See: Join Ambulance Victoria). Patients receiving care at REDHS Urgent Care may be charged by a visiting medical practitioner (VMO). There is no charge to see RIPERN Nurses. Telehealth (My Emergency Doctor) may also be available which is free of charge.
Closest Accident and Emergency Departments
If your situation is life threatening, please call Triple Zero – 000. The closest government funded Accident and Emergency Centres are:
What is RIPRN?
RIPRNs are authorised nurses who administer and supply medicines in health services that have been approved by a Secretarial Approval. Rural and isolated practice registered nurses (RIPRN) have additional training and accreditation. RIPRNs do not take the place of doctors, but can help reduce wait times and provide specialist assistance when a doctor is not in attendance at the health facility.
If your situation is an emergency you should always call Triple Zero (000).