About Us

REDHS Executive

Darren Clark, Interim Chief Executive Officer, Director Clinical Services

Darren joined REDHS in April 2022, and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, having been the Nursing Director of Aged Care Services at Echuca Regional Health since 2008 prior to accepting the role with REDHS. Darren holds tertiary qualifications in Business Management, Gerontology and Forensic Nursing and commenced his healthcare career as a Registered Psychiatric Nurse in 1990. Darren also worked in Forensic Psychiatry for seven years and managed a regional Aged Care Facility for eight years prior to a six-year stint as Co-ordinator of Central Grampians Palliative Care Services.

Qualifications: RN, Dip. Mgt, GN Cert, ForPsyNurs Cert

Dr Ka Chun Tse, Director Medical Services

KC (as he is fondly known) was appointed at REDHS Director of Medical Services in February, 2019 on the back of long and highly regarded experience supporting the medical services of several regional Victorian public health services. KC works with our Visiting Medical Officers and senior clinical managers, bringing his expertise in clinical governance and medical workforce management to REDHS Executive. KC is a Consultant Medical Director, working part time with REDHS while concurrently supporting 3-4 of our neighboring rural health services.

Qualifications: MB BS, M. Health Mgt, M. P. Health, FACHSM, GAICD

Melissa Seelenmeyer, Acting Director Clinical Services

Mel commenced with REDHS in 2004 as an RN graduate through the Northern Rivers Program. Since then Mel has worked on the Acute ward, making her way up to Acute Services Manager, and has just recently completed her RIPRN and Nurse Immuniser training. Taking on the role of Acting Director Clinical Services in May 2024, Mel is looking forward to taking a deeper look into the background executive level of running of the health service, and to participating in the reopening of the hospital, with us all being back on-site together as one big health service. Rochester has become like a second home to Mel, who enjoys getting to know so many people in the community through the hospital.

Qualifications: Bachelor of Nursing, RIPRN, Nurse Immuniser

Mebin Baby, Director Community Care

Mebin commenced with REDHS in August 2022 bringing significant relevant experience to REDHS, including roles as Business Manager, Primary and Preventative Health with Western District Health Service (WDHS) in Hamilton, and Primary Care Consultant / Practice Facilitator with Western Victoria Primary Health Network in Ballarat,  

Qualifications: Dentistry (India), Masters Advanced Health Services Management

Richard Morrison, Director Corporate Services

Richard commenced with REDHS in August 2022, bringing significant relevant experience, having held similar roles in the local government sector in Campaspe, Gannawarra, Bendigo and Mildura.  Richard currently sits on the Board of Northern District Community Health, Kerang, and is Chair of their Finance and Risk Committee.

Qualifications: MBA, Project Management

Vicki Winwood, Director People and Culture

Vicki joined REDHS as Manager People and Culture in September, 2020 with nearly 10 years’ experience in public health including Occupational Health and Safety, Return to Work and Emergency Planning. Vicki’s experience in Human Resources and employment consulting across sectors including local council and the disability sector, coupled with her warm and approachable nature has proven to be a real asset to REDHS.   

Qualifications: B Bus (HRM)