REDHS Services

Low Care

Previously known as Rochester & District Hostel, Low Care at Yalukang is available for members of our community who require assistance with accommodation, meals, laundry, room cleaning as well as help with personal care.

Residents are welcomed into a home-like environment where their independence, maintenance of friendships and participation in the local community is encouraged. An open door philosophy exists for family and friends to visit.

Yalukang offers a range of social and recreational activities in which residents are encouraged to participate.

Prospective residents should be assessed for care by an Aged Care Assessment Service. This can be arranged by a GP or they can be contacted independently. Once an assessment has been obtained, an appointment can be made with the Aged Care Manager to enable the prospective resident and their family to look around the facility and grounds. This is an ideal opportunity to discuss any queries or concerns and to obtain further information.

Please contact us on (03) 5484 4400 for further information and to arrange a tour.
