Latest REDHS News.
- The rebuild continues to progress well with cabinetry and joinery work well underway throughout the facility.
- We welcome our new CEO, Mary Manescu who will commence with REDHS on Monday 11 November 2024.
- Our Volunteer Program has been relaunched in preparation for our return to site and we need you! Find out more details here
- Our new wellbeing program “The Calm Collective” has commenced. Sessions are held fortnightly and are facilitated by Bern Wright with assistance from our Health Promotion Officer, Rachael. You will be guided through strategies that will help to protect your wellbeing now and in the future. The next session is Thursday 24 October, 5:30pm, Rochester Recovery Hub.
Bookings are not essential, however, for catering purposes, we highly recommend registering via this booking link (https://forms.gle/hzHGHcccfuCYqUTh6), or by scanning the QR code below. This project is generously funded by the Community Bank Elmore, Lockington and Rochester
You can download a PDF version here