Yalukang Aged Care Redevelopment Update
The third and final stage of the Residential Aged Care redevelopment is well underway with the last bedrooms having been stripped and a new roof currently being installed.
REDHS is on track to have the final stage completed by July 2022.
The Aged Care team continues to go above and beyond to maintain the highest level of resident comfort while the building works are completed around them.
Service Profile: Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapists (OT’s) help people of all ages whose health or disability makes it hard for them to do the things they would like to do.
An OT can identify your strengths and difficulties, help with solutions, and help you to regain independence.
OT’s focus on promoting health and wellbeing by enabling people to participate in the everyday occupations of life, such as:-
• self-care activities including showering, dressing, and preparing food;
• productive activities such as education, work, volunteering and caring for others;
• maintenance of driving; and
• leisure/social activities.
Rochester and Elmore District Health Service has OT’s who support clients in Community Care (including home visits and assessments for home modifications), patients in Acute and Transitional Care and residents of Yalukang Residential Aged Care Facility.
Service Profile: Physiotherapy
Physiotherapists help people of all ages affected by injury, illness or disability by using movement and exercise, manual therapy, education and advice.
The REDHS Physiotherapy team is available in Rochester and Elmore to assess, diagnose and treat a wide range of medical conditions.
Their expertise covers injuries, disabilities, musculoskeletal conditions and health disorders such as cardiac (heart) disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, osteoarthritis and stroke.
Personally-tailored treatment options may include exercise programs or manual therapy to relieve pain and discomfort or address soft tissue issues, as well as education on the use of mobility aids.
For more information, or to make an appointment for an assessment with Occupational Therapy or
Physiotherapy, contact the Intake Officer on (03) 5484 4465.