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Keeping the Community Informed – REDHS Visitor Guidelines

REDHS is committed to keeping all our staff and residents safe.

COVID Exposure or Outbreak events are, unfortunately, inevitable while COVID continues to circulate in the community.

REDHS remains prepared at all times, and are working hard to limit the risks, for example:

  • All staff are fully vaccinated
  • Staff must have a Negative RAT Test before entering the facility every day (in the case of high risk clinical and aged care areas) or weekly in other areas.

If at any time REDHS does experience an Exposure or Outbreak event, visitor restrictions will be required to be heightened.  When required, this will mean:

  • Patients and Residents may only have visits from one delegated visitor per day
  • All visitors must show a Negative RAT Test prior to entry (REDHS provide and assist with the tests)
  • All visitors must wear mask and gown

At other times, our Visitor Guidelines are:

Yalukang Aged Care and Acute Services

  1. Patients and residents may receive a MAXIMUM of 5 (five) visitors per day, unless by prior approval for specific/extenuating circumstances.
  • A Negative RAT test is required for each visitor if there are more than 2 visitors up to the maximum of 5 people planning to visit on a given day
  • No Negative RAT test is required for visitors if there are 2 or less visitors per resident/patient per day, unless any of those visitors who are eligible to be vaccinated are unvaccinated. Unvaccinated visitors will be required to confirm a Negative RAT – see below

2. All visitors must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (where eligible)

If NOT fully vaccinated, visitors MUST:

  • confirm a Negative RAT test on the day of the visit (no exceptions)
  • confine the visit to the resident or patient’s room or the outside gardens
  • limit duration of visit to 90 minutes (1 ½ hours) maximum

Vaccinated visitors must limit the duration of each visit to 3 hours maximum

3. All visitors (excluding children < 8 y/o) must wear an N95 mask when indoors, irrespective of vaccination status and irrespective of a RAT test (where required) being Negative.

4. All visitors must practice social distancing & hand hygiene in line with current public health recommendations and follow any directions provided by staff.

5. Upon checking in on each occasion, visitors must:

  • Check temperature using standing temperature monitor and have “Access Granted” be confirmed by the monitor
  • Check in – preferably by using the applicable QR check in, otherwise by signing Visitor Register provided
  • Sign Visitor Attestation Form – confirming Vaccination Status, confirming RAT test result (where applicable) and committing to comply with precautions required.

Children Visitors – under 8 years of age

Children < 8 y/o are counted in the maximum of 5 visitors / resident / day restriction.
Children < 8 y/o who make up a visitor group between 2 – 5 people are required to have a Negative RAT on the day of visiting along with all other members of the visitor
Children < 8 y/o are not required to provide confirmation of vaccination status at this time

Please note:

  • Visitors must source their own RAT test kits and sign the Attestation Form confirming a test was Negative on the day of each visit (where applicable)
  • REDHS will provide a single-use N95 mask for each visitor if/when required.