REDHS Service Profile: Urgent Care
In the event of a medical emergency, you should always call Triple Zero (000).
This crisis intervention service is reinforced locally by REDHS which offers an Urgent Care Centre.
The department is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and its staff include Rural and Isolated Practice Endorsed Registered Nurses who have additional training and accreditation.
RIPERNS do not take the place of a doctor but can help to reduce wait times and provide specialist assistance when a doctor is not in attendance.
The REDHS Urgent Care Centre can also offer My Emergency Doctor telehealth services and tap into the expertise of Visiting Medical Officers.
Urgent Care Centre staff have the skills and knowledge to assess patients and refer them to larger medical facilities in the event of more specialised services being required.
To learn more about the Urgent Care Centre, visit or call 03 5484 4421.
REDHS Service Profile: Palliative Care
Palliative refers to specialised medical care providing relief from pain and other symptoms of serious illness. It is often associated with the elderly and end of life but can also have a broader focus, improving the quality of life for patients of all ages and their families.
Rochester and Elmore District Health Service offers patient-centred palliative care support in multiple settings.
The Acute Care Unit has a dedicated, fully equipped room where family members are welcome and encouraged to stay with their loved ones throughout this sensitive time.
Patients who wish to remain in a private home may be able to do so with palliative care from the REDHS District Community Nursing Service – available to Rochester, Elmore, Lockington, Nanneella and Tongala communities.
Palliative support is also provided at Yalukang Aged Care.
For inquires or further information about palliative care options, visit or call 03 5484 4421.
REDHS will also be recognising six significant health and community events this month.
8 May – Mothers Day
12 May – International Nurses Day
16 May – National Volunteers Week
17 May – International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) Day
19 May – Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
31 May – World No Tobacco Day