Hospital Re-Build Update
Bay Building Services has commenced work on the hospital rebuild which will occur in stages over the next 12-18 months. The first stage to be reinstated will be the IT server rooms and Community Care wing.
REDHS is working with the Department of Health on a Clinical Services Plan to determine the best services to meet our community’s future needs.
As the review progresses, we will work through the timeline and phases of delivery, and we’ll keep the community informed of this, along the way.
We know the community is anxious to see the return of our health service as soon as possible, and people can be reassured that we are working extremely hard to achieve this.
Annual General Meeting
You can watch the replay of our AGM, and video on the October flood impact to our facility and our recovery journey via our website – www.redhs.com.au and on our Facebook page.
Urgent Care Centre
Our UCC continues to operate from the Rochester Medical Clinic, 40-44 Moore Street, Rochester.
8:30am – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. Call 0428 358 892 for appointments. Walk-ins also welcome.
Our Urgent Care team is ready and available to assist you with symptoms & conditions such as:
- Abdominal pain
- Allergic reactions
- Ashtma
- Back or Muscle pain
- Breathing difficulties
- Chest pain or pressure
- Cuts & minor burns
- Dehydration
- Diarrhoea
- Dressings
- General Injuries
- Snake bite
- Pain & pain management (analgesia)
- Vomiting
- Wound Care
Outside of these hours you can seek support from the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department for non-life-threatening emergencies 24/7.
To access the service or to learn more, visit- www.vved.org.au
In life-threatening emergencies – call 000
Community Services
Services are available to eligible clients in the Rochester, Elmore, Nanneella, Lockington and surrounding communities.
Call our friendly team on 03 5484 4465 for appointments and to discuss what services may be suitable to you.
Allied Health Services
Services are available at our Jeffrey Street, Elmore site (adjacent to the Elmore Medical Practice) for:
- Podiatry
- Physiotherapy
- Exercise Physiology
- Occupational Therapy
- Dietetics
- Occupational Therapy
- Social work
- Group Exercise Classes
Podiatry and Physiotherapy outreach services are also available in Rushworth & Lockington.
For those unable to travel, online and in-home exercise programs are also available.
The RFDS Community Transport Service can assist with free transport to and from Elmore for appointments for eligible clients.
Rochester Show
We will be attending this year’s Rochester Show, in the Homecrafts pavilion.
Drop in to see us, and find out about the services we offer to support the community, and to talk about the rebuild.